Automation Software

Advantech Industrial Automation Software

Advantech Automation software provides an effective automated data acquisition and control system such as Web based HMI/SCADA software and OPC servers.

Advantech offers complete, integrated and more open automation software for facility management systems with excellent capabilities to communicate with other devices. Data acquisition, testing and measurement can be controlled remotely via the internet.

The Advantech WebAccess platform is a smart HMI/SCADA software enabling users to shorten their programming time and optimise performance at the same time.

Advantech HMI/SCADA Software

The Advantech WebAccess platform is a powerful web enabled software tool with an integrated collection of HMI and SCADA automation tools, featuring animated graphical screens to develop HMI/SCADA software and other applications.

Advantech WebAccess is a browser based software for HMIs and SCADA automation with real time data control empowering users to develop applications efficiently and cost effectively.

WebAccess+ Solutions

WebAccess is at the core of Advantech IoT (internet of things) solution. Client/server/browser based configurable SCADA software. With an open architecture, vertical domain application can easily be integrated.

Advantech WebAccess runs on a preconfigured solid hardware platform to collect field data from remote I/O devices and controllers via different communication hardware. Using vertical algorithms it presents data in a remote web browser with a domain focused template. All the features found in WebAccess HMI/SCADA software including Widget Library, Excel Reporting, Remote Device Management, Animated Graphics Displays, Real-time Data, Control, Trends, Alarms and Logs, are available in HTML5 Dashboard which provides cross-platform and cross-browser data access and user interface.

Users can enjoy the convenient, fast, cost-effective solutions for remote management, diagnose and maintenance. Advantech provides several powerful WebAccess Bundled products to speed up project implementation time.

Advantech WebAccess

  • Brower based HMI/SCADA software
  • View, control, configure systems through a web browser
  • Redundant SCADA and COM ports
  • Supports dynamic DNS and acts as OPC server & client
  • Support LonWorks LNS and BACnet IP
  • Video and audio integration
  • Google map integrated
  • Global access alarms, data, email alarms

The complete solutions that Advantech software and hardware products provide empower automation professionals to develop integrated automation systems efficiently.

For more information about Advantech automation software and WebAccess, contact More Control on 0345 00 00 400.


Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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